This servlet serves as the primary entry point of all the HTTP Web service requests and delegates the request and response object instances to the request processor for further processing. 这个servlet作为所有HTTPWeb服务请求的主入口点,它把请求和响应对象实例分派给请求处理器进行进一步处理。
It is the primary job of the ESB Gateway to provide this common request handling. ESBGateway的主要职责就是提供通用请求处理。
The ALM schema provides the primary record types for managing work, which are called: Request, Task, and Activity. ALM模式为管理工作提供了主要的记录类型,称作:请求、任务,以及活动。
The primary reason for creating this structure is to allow portions of your contribution to be disabled by the user at his request. 主要原因是创建这样的结构可以让用户根据他自己的需要来禁用您提供的组件的一部分。
The primary function of a MessageBodyReader is to read from a request InputStream and deserialize the incoming bytes into a Java object expected by the resource method. MessageBodyReader的最主要的功能是读取请求InputStream并将传入的字节反序列化到一个此资源方法期望的Java对象。
Message exchange pattern: data services could be accessed via the four primary message exchange patterns-request/ reply ( tight SLA), request/ reply ( relaxed SLA), fire/ forget, and publish/ subscribe. 消息交换模式:数据服务可以通过四种主要的消息交换模式被访问:请求-应答(严格SLA)、请求-应答(宽松SLA),即发即弃和发布-订阅。
The primary starting request uses the screwdriver to move the electric motor ventilator first, guaranteed that in the pump the impeller does not have the freezing, then starting motor; 初次开机要求先用螺丝刀拨动电动机风扇,确保泵内叶轮无卡滞,然后启动电动机;
This design allows separation of the the two primary cancellation operations: initiating a cancellation request& observing and responding to cancellation. 这样的设计可以分离两个主要的撤销操作:初始化撤销请求,并观测和响应撤销。
In WebForms, the Page has primary control of a request, and so you have to elect into the MVP pattern, consciously delegating the presentation logic over to the presenter. 在WebForms中,页面对(HTTP)请求拥有主控制权,你只能选择MVP模式来有意识的将展现逻辑委托给presenter。
The administration system will inevitably bring out many problems, of which the primary problem is the contradiction between the administration system and the market request and the serious shortage of fund. 这种行政管理体制必将带来很多问题,政府推广体制运行机制与市场要求不相适应及经费严重短缺是我国农业推广体制存在的主要问题。
I primary analyze the request the system, the design of the system, database design and 80% coding work. 我主要完成系统的需求分析,系统的设计,数据库设计和80%的编码工作。
SSPP firstly computes a minimum hop primary path for each connection request, and it follows to compute two SRLG disjoint and minimum cost backup paths for each sub-path on the primary path. 共享子通路保护为每条业务请求计算一条最短的工作路由,并为工作路由上每段子通路各计算两条共享风险链路组分离且代价最小的保护路由。
JOA first adjusts the cost of links according to the current state of network adaptively, and it then computes a pair of primary path and backup path for each connection request simultaneously. 该算法根据网络拓扑信息和资源使用情况动态调整链路权值,并在此基础上为到达业务连接请求,同时找到一对链路分离的工作通路和保护通路,而且保证二者占用资源总量最少。
Results: Collect 41 cases of primary IgA nephropathy on request. 结果:按要求收集到原发性IeA肾病41例。
Jigging is one of the most important methods in separation coal, is the primary measure to economize coal energy sources, and is the request of the continuable development stratagem. 跳汰选煤是我国煤炭洗选加工的主要方法之一,在重选中占据主要地位,也是我国可持续发展战略要求,是充分利用和节约煤炭能源的主要手段。
Now, we have a primary discussion on the essentiality and application of the audit report in the archives of the cadre, and make some suggestions that cadre achievement record request the audit work. 本文就审计报告在干部业绩档案中的重要意义与应用做了一些初步探讨,并就干部业绩档案对审计工作的要求提出几条建议。
Take Notice of Research "Management of Men"& A Primary Discuss on Theory of Request and Motive 要重视对人的管理的研究&需要、动机理论初探
The article analyzed the primary stage reasonable optimization economic structure characteristic and the request, elaborated the realization economic structure reasonable optimization three big main ways and the countermeasure. 文章分析了初级阶段合理优化的经济结构的特征和要求,论述了实现经济结构合理优化的三大主要途径与对策。
Love and give presents to our parents is the primary request of Chinese traditional morals, but it is disappointed and worried about polytechnic school student's showing at this side. 热爱和孝敬父母是我国传统道德的起码要求,但中专学生在这方面的认识和表现令人失望和担忧。
Inner careful management request of insurance company is more and more strict, primary insurance as underwriting, claim, actuary, and financial affairs give more request to reinsurance business. 同时保险公司内部的精细化管理要求越来越高,承保、理赔、精算和财务等业务环节都对再保险业务提出了较高的要求。
The Educational Technology Ability Standards for Primary and Secondary School Teachers ( Advance Copy) issued in December 2004 further defined the ability request of primary and secondary school teachers 'educational technology. 2004年12月印发的《中小学教师教育技术能力标准(试行)》,进一步明确了中小学教师在教育技术方面的能力要求。
The Quality Education implementation and the basic education curriculum reform have poured vigor for the primary school teacher to develop the education scientific research, and built a platform, at the same time, it also has brought forward higher request to the primary school teacher. 素质教育的实施和基础教育课程改革为小学教师开展教育科研注入了活力,搭建了平台,同时也对小学教师提出了更高的要求。
Republican Primary Mathematics Teaching in the traditional teaching method for the first transformation into the object, in adapting to the new situation, the request went through the embryonic period, to explore the three stages of development and maturity. 民国时期小学数学教学法以传统的注入式教学法为最先改造对象,在适应新的形势要求下经历了草创期、探索期和成熟期三个发展阶段。
The traditional primary education management pattern already could not adapt the new times development request the level which develops with our country education, had already become the bottleneck which the educational reform and develops. 传统的小学教育管理模式已经不能适应新时代的发展要求和我国教育事业发展的水平,已经成为了教育改革和发展的瓶颈。